Apr 28, 2023
'#babyfood #babyfoodrecipe #babyfoodrecipes #babyfoodrecipes6months #babyweightgainfood #babyweightgainingfood #babyweightgainrecipe #babyfoodidea #babyfoodideas #foodforbaby #foodforbabies #weightgainingfoodforbabies #weightgainbabyfood This videos shows 3 easy healthy and tasty food option for the babies from 9 to 15 months. Key points for the dishes. 1. Please try to avoid salt, at this age salt is not a necessity. 2. Yogurt can be replaced with cheese or butter to increase taste. 3. You can mash the dishes instead of blending it. 4. You can add/remove vegetables according to your baby. Thank you for watching, Please like, share and subscribe.'See also: